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Weight Management, Fat Reduction & Muscle Gain

Struggling with weight management can be a lonely and frustrating experience. If you’ve already tried conventional diets and exercise plans with limited success, it’s time to look beyond convention. By focusing on elements like cellular health, your gut, body composition, and hormonal balance, functional health experts can help you incorporate natural interventions that optimize your body composition and energy storage.

Connecting Weight Management Symptoms & Protein

An essential amino acid, appetite controller, and metabolism booster, protein plays a vital role in weight management. Despite its importance, we find that people struggling with their weight aren’t getting enough in their diets. Here are four simple ways to make sure you’re getting the protein you need each day to manage your weight and muscle mass:

  1. Include protein at every meal.
  2. Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast, such as eggs, Greek yogurt, or a protein smoothie.
  3. Choose lean protein sources like chicken, fish, beans, lentils, and tofu over fatty meats like red meat and processed meats.
  4. Keep a stash of healthy protein snacks like nuts, seeds, hard-boiled eggs, or protein bars on hand.

Incorporating appropriate quantities of this essential acid into your diet is foundational for weight optimization, fat reduction, and muscle gain.

Lexi Yoo, NP with female patient using InBody machine during weight optimization visit.

6 Functional Health Treatments for Weight Management

Still struggling with weight management despite optimizing your diet and exercise routine? We’ve worked with many patients who’ve been there, and we’ve helped them break through the plateau. A personalized combination of these functional practices can turn impossible into achievable:

  1. Peptides & neutraceuticals 
  2. Supplements and amino acids 
  3. IV ozone
  4. Hormone optimization
  5. 8 hours of sleep
  6. Resistance training

Medically supervised weight management with a functional health specialist can lead to the sustainable results you’ve been fighting for.

InBody machine welcome screen
InBody machine welcome screen

60 Pounds Down in Just 18 Months

Carmen has achieved—and maintained—incredible weight management with cutting-edge functional medicine practices, including peptide therapy and personalized health coaching.


Learn more about weight management from functional health specialists.

Optimize Your Health, Energy, And Life

Book an appointment today to make the life you’ve dreamed of your new normal. Space is limited to ensure exceptional care.

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